There were no unanticipated adverse events and no significant wor

There were no unanticipated adverse events and no significant worsening of symptoms during followup. Statistically significant decreases in urinary frequency and nocturia were observed in each treatment group. Statistically significant decreases in pain, urgency and the O’Leary-Sant symptom score were observed in the liposome group. Decreased urgency in the liposome group had the most profound effect of the ordinal measures.

Conclusions: Each glycosaminoglycan directed treatment seemed beneficial. Liposome intravesical instillation is safe for interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome with potential buy MK-2206 improvement

after 1 course of therapy for up to 8 weeks. Intravesical liposomes achieved efficacy similar to that of oral pentosan polysulfate sodium. Further large-scale placebo controlled studies are needed. Intravesical liposomes appear to be a promising new treatment for interstitial cystitis/painful

bladder syndrome.”
“OBJECTIVE: To show the long-term benefits of total and near-total resection of complex spinal cord lipomas and reconstruction of the neural placode.

METHODS: We analyzed 238 patients with dorsal, transitional, and chaotic lipomas who had total resection as described in part I for overall see more progression-free survival probability (PFS, Kaplan-Meier analysis) over 16 years. We also analyzed subgroup proportional recurrence hazard (Cox analysis) of 6 outcome predictors of sex, lipoma type, age, preoperative symptoms, previous surgery, and postoperative cord-sac ratio. These results were compared with an age-matched, lesion-matched series of 116 patients followed for 11 years after partial lipoma resection and with the Parisian series of nonsurgical treatment.


The immediate effects of surgery were similar between total and partial resection: both achieved greater than 95% symptom stabilization or improvement rate. The neuro-urologic complication rates for the groups were also similar, 4.2% and 5.2% for total and partial respectively. The combined cerebrospinal fluid leakage and wound complication rate resection, of total resection was much lower at 2.5% than the 6.9% for partial resection, but both were better than published rates. The overall PFS for total resection was 82.8% at 16 GPX6 years, comparing much more favorably with 34.6% for partial resection at 10.5 years (P < .0001). Culling only the asymptomatic patients with virgin (previously unoperated) lipomas to match the patient profile of the Parisian series, the PFS for prophylactic total resection for this subgroup increased to 98.4% at 16 years, versus 67% at 9 years for no surgery and 43.3% at 10.5 years for our own partial resection series, with a remarkable statistical difference between total and partial resection (P = .00001). Subgroup analyses showed that sex and lipoma type did not affect outcome.

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